Category Archives: Food Trucks

Foodie Friday – Hey Cupcake!


It’s time we talk sweets!  I am not one of those health freaks (although I admire your determination) who can swear off sugar or sweet treats. I did it once for an entire month and no one liked me because of the crank I turned into.  As I learn what kind of life I want to lead, I know I want to be able to enjoy a sinfully sweet dessert on occasion – thank goodness I like to run!

Hey Cupcake! Trailer

South Congress Trailer Park

Hey Cupcake!

I’ve known about this trailer for years.  My friend Lyndsay sent me a picture of it once because I used to be a cupcake-making queen in college (at one point declaring I was going to have my own place, appropriately called “Sprenkels Cupcakes”….someone beat me to that.)  Finally I went to check it out.  This sweet trailer is credited by Austin Monthly for starting the food trailer madness here.  It’s a cute, almost vintage-looking trailer with a gigantic spinning cupcake on top.  If the cupcake’s turnin’ you know they’re open for business.

When the cupcake spins, they’re open!

There are several locations around town and even an actual building store (as opposed to a trailer).  They have a pretty basic menu – if you’re looking for really exotic or changing flavors, this place might not be for you.  But for a damn good, simple cupcake this is the place.  They’ve got all the classics like white on white, white with chocolate, double chocolate, chocolate with white, carrot cake, red velvet and a new pumpkin flavor (probably because they’ve heard fall is coming too….).  There are gluten free varieties too!  I chose the carrot cake.

Filled with nuts!

It was fabulous!  There was just the perfect amount of cream cheese icing on top of a very nutty and slightly spiced pumpkin cake.  An excellent choice.  They also serve coffee, milk and bottled water.  The night I was there, a cowboy was sitting on some milk crates playing his guitar right next to the patio tables where we were sitting.  He sang a wide range of things from Johnny Cash to Willie Nelson.  Despite the heat, we stayed for a few songs under the bubble lights and I couldn’t help but wonder what his story is.

Live Cowboy Music

If you wanna try a cupcake, sign up for their e-mailing list and you get a buy one, get one coupon!  Get more info on their website –

What flavor would you choose?!  Happy Friday 🙂

The Local Debate


One thing about Austin that I’ve mentioned before is there aren’t very many chain stores.  There is a definite “local” culture here, which I think is wonderful.  I am all about supporting the small business (wo)man, as I ultimately plan to be one someday.  There are markets and food trucks and local gyms and local coffee shops and local clothing boutiques and local this and that.

“Local” Austin

But there’s also a gigantic flagship Whole Foods that people flock to.  And Starbucks, although not on every corner, sure has a presence here.  And Lululemon.  And, my new employer, the Texas Running Company.  We are not a local store per se, Foot Locker “owns” us and there are “insert city name here Running Company” locations all over the country.

My co-workers and I got into a discussion about the “locavore” philosophy and its flaws.  Like I said before, I am all about supporting local businesses, but as I sit at a Starbucks and type all of this before I head to work at a “chain” store, do I contradict myself?  Am I a big local hypocrite? The thing is, I live in Austin, and I work here.  Daniel, the store owner/manager, also lives and works here – as well as all the other employees.  So we’re local.  Does the business have to be born and raised in Austin to be considered truly local?

Sure, maybe that’s our definition.  But don’t knock on the big “chain” stores because chances are you’re not 100% local either.  Do you work for a local company or a big corporate office?  Does everything else you do – the car you drive, the bike you ride, the clothes you wear, the books you read – come from local retailers?  Maybe.  Maybe not.

Trailers – Definitely Local Culture

I’m not saying there’s a right or wrong way here.  I just wanted to share a discussion that opened up my eyes a little bit about the local philosophy and open it up for more comments.  My conclusion is that it’s nearly impossible to be a 100% locavore and so settle down about the times when you or others choose the more convenient, conventional, corporate route.  If you feel really badly about it, engage one of the local employees in conversation about why they like they’re town.  Hell, stop in Texas Running Company and talk to me about shoes and running in Austin.  I’ll be there in just a bit after I don’t feel a bit of guilt for this grande latte I’m about to enjoy 🙂

So, what’s your take on the whole debate?

Foodie Fridays – Food Trucks, Torchy’s Tacos


Here’s an attempted revival of my Foodie Fridays.  I don’t think it’s unrealistic to try to eat at a new Austin restaurant once a week and on Fridays I’ll share that choice with y’all.  SO today is the first installment.

Austin has a HUGE food truck business.  Business?  Culture?  Industry?  I’m not sure the proper term but anyway, the food trucks seem to be around every corner.  Some stand alone, some are in clusters. They serve breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and drinks.  All kinds of food too.  TexMex.  Thai.  Sandwiches.  Chicken.  Pretty much if you want it, there’s a truck for it.  It’s just a matter of finding it.  There are hundreds, possibly a thousand+.  And I ate at one last night!

Torchy’s Tacos – South First Trailer Park

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There are a few trailers to pick from at this park but I went straight for the tacos.  Only appropriate for my first real meal here.  Koko and I split an order of chips and guacamole.  The guacamole should have been called “giant slices of avocado with something spicy mixed in”.  And that’s not a complaint.  I love avocado and the chunkier consistency of the guacamole was awesome.  The chips were thin and lightly salted to perfection.

My taco of choice was the chicken fajita which included big chunks of fajita-seasoned chicken with grilled peppers and onions on top.  There was just the right amount of cheese on top.  Combined with the chips, one was plenty.  I liked the atmosphere of the trailer park.  We sat under a big tree at a picnic table and although it was mighty hot outside I wasn’t miserable.

I’m going to do some research to see if it’s completely unrealistic to try to eat at every single food truck before I graduate……forget the running goal, let’s make my life’s ambition about eating 🙂

Happy weekend y’all!