Category Archives: April Challenge

April Challenge


I’m settling back into life in Memphis and started with a run this morning.

April 1 – Run 59/72

Location: Overton Park Pack Route

Weather Notes: Too hot for April

Distance: 5 miles

Time: 50 something (I don’t have my watch with me….will check later and edit)

Other notes: Norman, Russ, Hillary and I met to get our Sunday started off right.  Hillary is one of the newest members of the Pack and is getting ready for St. Jude in December (she’s no procrastinator!)   We took a pretty steady jog along our familiar Wednesday morning route (new to Hillary though!).  I can’t get over the blooms and beauty happening in Memphis right now!  My legs were pretty tired, but felt ok at our 10+ pace.

It was on the run that I realized it’s a new month and time for a new challenge!  In January, I challenged myself (and readers) to run everyday.  In February it was yoga everyday (not quite as successful as the running).  In March it was no challenge everyday and now it’s time to introduce April’s!  I’ve had this Memphis Bucket List tab on my blog for months now and it’s done nothing but sit there.  Well, it’s time to get busy.  The weather is great, spring has come and gone (summer’s here), the days are long and people seem to have a new energy (bye-bye winter blues!)  So, I’m going to challenge myself to do “something Memphis” everyday.  Museums, parks, walks, runs, food, drinks, movies, shops, events, music etc. I’ve lived here for six years, it’s time to get to know my city.

So – wherever you live, be a tourist in your hometown!  And then let me know about your adventures!

What’s on your Memphis list?  Or your hometown list?