Category Archives: Motivation Mondays

Motivation Monday


Yesterday, more than 9,000 half marathoners and 3,000 marathoners crossed the finish line in the Austin Livestrong Marathon event!

Go Runners!

There’s nothing like 3-4 months of training coming together in one perfect morning!  Pick a race and get started!

Personal story from yesterday’s triumph coming soon 🙂

Motivation Monday


Hi y’all – little late start to this Monday post but maybe it’ll motivate you for tomorrow 🙂

It’s the first Monday in February and aside from realizing I never made public my New Year’s Resolutions, I figured it was a perfect time to revisit yours.  

This year, I decided against doing anything fitness related for my very specific resolutions – for one thing I think I’ve got this running thing down, and it’s not really a new endeavor for me personally to start or develop a running program.  That being said, I do certainly have some running goals for 2013 that I will share in a later post.

But first, my very simple resolutions for 2013 (which from this past month’s experience have brought me a great amount of simple happiness!)

  1. Make my bed every morning day.  (By not having the expectation of doing it in the morning, I’m sure to succeed more often!)  I’ve missed a few days on this one but have found that having a freshly pressed bed keeps my room tidier and my naps less frequent (or more likely to happen on the couch).Image


    Amazing what a made bed can do for a room!

  2. Cook a new recipe every week.  This one has been going great!  So far I’ve made egg casserole, grapefruit and quinoa salad, and black bean quesadillas.  I’ve learned that green onions and shallots are not the same thing in the kitchen and my freezer is stocked with in-a-pinch leftovers.


    Black bean quesadillas – my first culinary adventure of the year!

  3. Keep track of my spending.  Which will hopefully blossom into a full-fledged budget keeping habit.  But for now it just involves setting a goal for grocery spending each week, using the leftovers of that cash flow for eating out and the leftovers from my paycheck at the end of two weeks for a little frivolous spending (we’re talking gumballs people, or maybe on a good spending week, a margarita 😉 ).

And that’s it for 2013.  In a less specific way, I’d like to try one new thing a month or join a new social group.  February will be a book club (Lolita is our first discussion this Sunday!).

I chose this for today because I want to emphasize that it’s never too late to have a resolution, or too early to get back to the ones you made for 2013.  February is the time when the regulars at the gym start to get their peace and quiet back, or the drive through habit returns…..Re-visit your goals from January, write them down again and put them somewhere prominent.  Or create those goals you never did…. 😉

Motivation Monday – Letter to My Future Self


I’m not feeling too sore today!  Big encouragement considering the miles logged yesterday.  I’m treating today as a break from running but I’ve already taken a Spin class at school to keep the muscles moving, and am hoping for a yoga and stretching session tonight!

Write a Letter to Yourself

In November I collaborated with fellow blogger and running pupil Sharon (check out her blog Midlife Moments) on a creative writing project.  We thought it would be clever to write letters to ourselves – she to her past 25 year old self, and me to my future 50 year old self.  I’ve been trying to come up with a creative and running-related way to share them with you and I think I figured it out on that 19 miler yesterday!

Sometimes it’s hard to think of the benefits your efforts today can provide for you beyond this day, this week, even this year.

Today, I encourage you to take that first step towards health and fitness (even if it’s just lacing up your shoes to think about gettin’ a sweat going!) and think about yourself in 25 years.  If you continue on the path you’re on, will you have the kind of lifestyle that you want?  I know for me and my knees, these marathons need to be few and far between 🙂

Stay tuned to read Sharon’s letter to herself 25 years ago but for today, here’s my letter – I always love to hear your thoughts, and please share with me what you’d write to yourself in 25 years!

November, 2012

Dearest Jessica,

If you are reading this, congratulations!   You have made it to “mid-life.”  Your 25 year-old self is very curious about what your life is like as she sits here in a coffee shop in Austin, Texas with the path ahead of her completely open.  The possibilities and uncertainty are exhilarating and terrifying.  These past three months we have never felt so alone, confused, free or lost in our short life.  Don’t forget these days, they are shaping the person you are right now, and they were tough for you.  Fun, but tough (remember that when you encounter girls in their mid-twenties.  You may be looking at them thinking you know how to do it, but try to remember how confused and isolated by possibility you felt at this time in your life).  Give them a smile or words of encouragement because they are looking at you to show them they can make it.  And not only make it to 50 but thrive.

I hope you’ve learned how to chop an onion.

I’m sure you’re possibly feeling old and maybe even a little senile but stop that.  You’ve had 25 additional years of life, a privilege denied to many.  I imagine the past 25 years have had some incredible celebrations and accomplishments.  Perhaps you’ve completed the goals I have for you at this moment in our life – to run a half-marathon in every state (we’re sittin’ pretty at 9 states right now), to write a book (not sure about what yet, but you’ve recently had a pretty fantastic love story you’d like to share) and to own your own business (preferably some sort of fitness facility – currently we’re exploring options).  If you have, I’m so proud of you and know that the discipline and hard work I’m developing right now are key to that success.   Additionally, I hope if you’ve completed those three goals, you’ve set new ones.  Never stop growing, learning, creating, exploring or moving.  Continue running around the world since you’ve conquered the country.  Open another location of your business.  Write a sequel.  I believe, and refuse to be told that it’s only because I’m naive and young, that we can do anything in this life, and we will do great things together.

You’re never too old to call mama, swing on a swingset.  Or go dancing.

Call them!

But also, I know there’s probably a chance you got lost along the way.  Life happens and these next 25 years will be tough.  Chances are you’ve lost momsie or popsicle.  If you haven’t, call them today.  Call them now.  Maybe you injured yourself and had to give up running.  Maybe you had to fight through cancer and your business dreams were put on hold.  Maybe you moved away from Austin.  And moved again.  You always had sort of a wanderlusting spirit.  There’s a chance we never settled down long enough to start that business.  Maybe your prince charming never showed up to help you finish the story.  You are strong though, and a fighter.  Don’t give up, and remember, you’re the boss.

You’re never too young to start a savings account.

Or maybe you lassoed a cowboy and he talked you into having children.  Don’t lose your dreams in them.  If you did get married, go give your husband a big kiss – he’s a brave man for wanting to share your life with you – it’s a big one.  But he’s also lucky to have you and I hope you don’t settle for anything less than what you learned about love this past summer from the man you’ll never forget (and who knows, maybe it’s him).  Just remember, you believe in a great love story.  And you are the author.

Music moves you.

But enough about him, we are working hard now to be content with us – a battle that I’m certain will follow and haunt us through the next 25 years.  I’m sure 50 comes with its own set of self-doubt, beauty issues and comparison traps.  Embrace your gray.  Some of the most beautiful women in your young life have long, silver hair.  Keep getting your nails done.  We never were big on makeup, don’t start now – your smile is free and easy to put on.  Keep buying sexy underwear.  Even if there’s no one in your life to appreciate it but you.  It’s amazing the confidence that comes from matching black lace under jeans and a tee shirt.

Never stop learning. 

Keep the girls close

Your girlfriends have always been more important to you than the boys.  Maybe there’s a special boy who has your heart now but don’t ever forget your girlfriends.  I hope, like your mother and several mentors before you, you make time to reunite with just the girls every year or two.  In some place exotic – taking time to do silly girly things like braid each others hair, talk about your husbands, boyfriends and lovers, dreams and fears and struggles, painting nails and eating chocolate along the way.

Don’t forget you like to climb to the tops of things (literally and metaphorically) – the view is always worth the 558 or 931 steps.

I’m an old soul so I’m fairly certain you and I will get along just fine.  At this young age I’ve already made friends with several women who have served as role models to demonstrate that it’s not a boring life just because you hit 5-0.  Remember these relationships – you have many excellent female role models in your life – your mama, the entrepreneurs you met in your 20s, and brilliantly fearless friends.  You can travel, you can love – yourself and your life and all those in it.

Release the fear.

Have you been to Spain yet?

If you’re feeling lost, come back to the free-spirited girl that’s writing you this letter.  Don’t let the world harden you.  Step away from the technology that I’m sadly sure is even more a part of daily routine.  Write a letter.  Set a coffee date with a friend.  Remember that we know the best path for ourself; trust it.  Remember that our family (friends included) is the most important thing in this life.  And remember to love yourself.  I am certain the next 25 years will be ripe with successes and failures.  Disappointments and big surprises.  Adventures and pleasures in the simple everyday life.  Find a porch swing, put your cowgirl boots on, ask someone to dance and kick some ass.

Almost 25 years ago….what’s up for the next 25?!

But no matter what, I know you’ve spread your love and grace to many in the past 25 years, and I hope the same for the next 25.  I’m looking forward to creating you.  And when in doubt, remember what Daddy (and Nike for that matter) said when he was 57 – “Just do it”.

