Daily Archives: September 16, 2012

St. Jude Half Marathon Training: Week 11 Plan


It’s safe to say running and I took a break last week.  And I should have seen it coming.  I’m almost half way through the 18-week training program for the December 1st half marathon and so far, through moves and vacations, it’s gone pretty smoothly.  It’s unrealistic to expect a 4.5 month training program to go perfectly smoothly and happily for the duration.  Then last week, after two fantastic runs on Monday and Tuesday, I just didn’t want to.  I gave myself a rest day Wednesday and then woke up to a very humid Thursday and still didn’t want to.  Then Friday rolled around and homework before the wedding trip seemed more imperative.  And then it was wedding day and now I’m here.

Today was the first day since Tuesday that I actually wanted to run.  Last week’s hectic schedule with school and work and no internet and no credit card and still being new here and the rain and not eating or sleeping well all just piled on top of me.

So what do you do when that happens?  You have to be patient and loving with yourself.  Take care of the things that need immediate attention (quizzes, class, work, dishes in the sink, weddings) or that will lower your stress level.  Know that the road and your shoes are there when you’re ready to come back.  And you’ll be ready eventually, there’s no telling how long a break you’ll take but your muscles and mind will start to want to run again.  To need to run again.  And then you take those first steps and it’s a little strange – you wonder if you’ve lost all your fitness (you haven’t).  Your first run back should be low-pressure and easy – today I took mine in a light drizzle with no music.  An easy two mile run around a new part of the neighborhood.  And now I’m working my way back to a happy relationship with my running.

St. Jude Training Week 11:

Monday: Make-up last week’s 10 miler (important to get the double-digits in…)

Tuesday: Taco and Tempo Run

Wednesday: Break day

Thursday: Track

Friday: Tempo and Hills

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 12 miles long – pushing pace.

We’ll see how all of that goes – still adjusting to student life again (starting with the late nights!  9:30 is no longer bedtime for this sleeping beauty!)

Here are some pictures from the wedding!

So beautiful!

Taylor was my big sister in our sorority at Rhodes and is responsible for most of the non-academic things I learned the first few years at school.  I am so glad to have shared her special day and to be reunited with some faces I haven’t seen in three years.

Rhodes Girls in Dallas

How was your weekend?